

Are you getting enough minerals in your diet? If you’re not eating enough fruits and vegetables then chances are you are lacking in one or more essential minerals. Why do you need minerals? Minerals help to prevent chronic diseases, regulate blood pressure and energy level and also aid in preventing osteoporosis. Here are 5 minerals you may be lacking and how to get them into your diet:

1. Calcium: Calcium not only builds strong bones, it also helps in regulating blood pressure. Calcium is found in milk and dairy products, spinach and beans.

2. Iron: The primary function of iron is to carry oxygen throughout the body. When you’re lacking in iron you may feel tired and have trouble concentrating. Eat oysters, beef, chicken and iron fortified cereals in order to achieve optimal iron levels.

3. Zinc: Zinc is essential for a strong immune system. This mineral helps to fight off infections, aids in the healing of wounds and keeps your sense of taste and smell sharp. Oysters, crab, beef and pork are foods that are high in zinc.

4. Potassium: Potassium is crucial in regulating blood pressure by offsetting the effects of sodium.  This mineral is primarily found in fruits and vegetables, which most of us don’t get enough of. Not only are bananas high in potassium, so are raisins, baked potatoes, tomatoes and artichokes.

5. Magnesium: This mineral is involved in over 300 chemical reaction in the body. Magnesium helps regulate blood pressure, prevents migraine headaches and insulin resistance, promotes healthy cell function and strengthens bones. Almonds, bran cereal, brown rice, Swiss chard and molasses are all rich in magnesium.