Nasty Food of the Week – Vanilla Extract

  Vanilla extract – a nasty food??? Seriously? Yes and here’s why:  Believe it or not many vanilla extracts contain CORN SYRUP!!! Yep, that’s right. Even vanilla extracts that

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Nasty Food of the Week – Meatballs

Look what we have for your viewing pleasure this week! Pre-made meatballs! Ah, the convenience, right? So what’s the big deal with frozen meatballs? Plenty. Let’s discuss a few

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Nasty Food of the Week – Dollar Tree $1 steaks

I just learned that Dollar Tree is actually selling ribeye steaks at their stores. Ribeye steaks for a $1. Are you serious? Am I the only one who’s

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Nasty Food of the Week – Burger King Doritos Encrusted Cheese Triangles

Burger King gets the nomination this week for the nastiest food for their Doritos Loaded snack item. Apparently, this “warm cheese snack” was available only at 7-11 stores

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Nasty Food of the Week – KFC Fried Chicken Crust Pizza

Oh dear, will these disgusting creations ever stop? It seems like the fast food chains are in a contest to see who can come up with the most

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Nasty Food of the Week: Starbucks Coconut Milk

I admit I was pretty excited to hear that Starbucks was going to start offering coconut milk at their stores. Apparently the idea is to offer a non

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The Deep Fried Big Mac is apparently now a thing

Yes I know what you’re saying. “Why in the world are you putting this on a healthy eating site?”  Well, I guess I feel the need to share

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Nasty Food of the Week – Shredded Cheese

  I really love writing about the “Nasty Food of the Week”. It’s very satisfying to help expose the processed food manufacturers and the crap they put out

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Nasty Food of the Week

  When it comes to maple syrup, there are two kinds: real maple syrup and the other junk. Maple syrup is made from maple syrup. That’s it. That

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Nasty Food of the Week

  Brownies!!! Yummy!!! This is the brand I used to buy before I discovered clean eating. I suppose my rationale was, “Hey, it’s Ghiradelli so it must be

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